Content creation and marketing media for farms
As I specialise in photography and videography for the agricultural sector, doing content creation and marketing media for Neofresh was the perfect fit. I was initially approached by Neofresh to assist with content creation to promote papaya use in South Africa. This did not only involve photographing papayas on the farm, I had to think of ways to capture papaya in various creative and engaging ways.
Building a new website
One of the first tasks was to redesign and rebuild their existing website. The website had to showcase Neofresh as a farming business offering different farm produce such as mango, litchi, macadamias, ginger, and lemons – a real sub-tropical fruit basket. Secondly, the website had to have a strong focus on papaya, its health benefits and ways to use papaya. It had to be a good resource for papaya users in South Africa. The result can be seen at
Social media marketing
To promote papaya social media is one of the best ways to reach the right audience. The key to an effective social media campaign is consistency and creating high-quality, informative content. These posts range from papaya health facts and recipes to all the activities on the farm – from planting to picking. Making your consumers part of your journey is important.
Simple Designs and Informative Videos:
I also do various designs providing information on papaya health facts and generally interesting facts related to papaya.
Food photography and Papaya recipes
Papaya is an extremely versatile fruit. More so than I ever thought. A majority of the content is to showcase this versatility in papaya recipes. Dr. Hennie Fisher from the University of Pretoria has been providing Neofresh with monthly, newly developed papaya recipes. My job is to recreate these recipes and take photos to share on the Neofresh website, Facebook and Instagram pages. Apart from these recipes, my task is to find other simple ways users can enjoy papaya daily – for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. These often include papaya boats, simple breakfasts, and salads.
Farm photography
It’s not all about papaya. Neofresh has a wide variety of sub-tropical produce which means it is ever busy on the Neofresh farms. I take photographs on the farms to make their followers and customers part of this journey from planting to harvesting.
Farm videos – taking a tour of the farm
Creating video content is the most effective way to make your followers feel part of the journey. From recipes to farm activities, each video is short and impactful. It is a visual representation of the hard work and dedication of the Neofresh team.
A great team
It is thanks to the dedicated Neofresh team that sees the value in capturing their activities that enables me to do this. Whenever I do a shoot on the farm or in the pack house, the team is always willing to assist and take time out of their busy days. Capturing everyone’s smiles is such a pleasure.